Sanggeon Yun (sɑŋɡʌn jun) | 윤상건

CS Ph.D. Student @ UC Irvine

About Me

LOVE to solve challenging problems!

I’m conducting an advanced research study focused on addressing key limitations associated with neural network-based models. Specifically, my research aims to overcome challenges related to the lack of transparency, absence of commonsense reasoning, susceptibility to hardware noise, and excessive power consumption. To achieve this, I’m introducing HDC (Hyperdimensional Computing) as an innovative approach within the Bio-Inspired Architecture and Systems Lab (BIASLab) as a Ph.D. student of the Computer Science department at the University of California, Irvine under Professor Mohsen Imani. Through this cutting-edge research, I’m hoping to contribute in a step towards revolutionizing the field and paving the way for enhanced and more efficient computational models.

Also interested in competitive programming(solving problems using algorithms & data structure).


University of California, Irvine

Ph.D. Student in Computer Science

July. 2023 ~

Bio-Inspired Architecture and Systems Lab (BIASLab)

ICS Dean’s Recruitment Fellowship

Kookmin University

Bachelor of Computer Science

Mar. 2019 ~ Feb. 2023

GPA: 4.49 / 4.5, Major GPA: 4.5 / 4.5

Graduate with the highest honor (1st / 145 in College of Computer Science, 수석졸업)

Graduate with Achievement Award (대내외공로상)

4 years full scholarship (Merit-based undergraduate scholarships, 특기자 4년 전액 장학금)

Research Experience

Bio-Inspired Architecture and Systems (BIASLab), University of California Irvine

Graduate Student Researcher

Jul, 2023 - Present

Bio-Inspired Architecture and Systems (BIASLab), University of California Irvine

Undergraduate Research Intern

Jan, 2022 - Jul, 2023

Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory (HCIL), Seoul National University

Undergraduate Research Intern

Jun, 2022 - Oct, 2022

Natural Language Processing Laboratory, Kookmin University

Undergraduate Research Intern

Dec, 2021 - Jun, 2022

Information Security Lab, Kookmin University

Undergraduate Research Intern

2019 - Jun, 2020

Work Experience


Software Engineer

Jun, 2020 - Aug, 2021